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Posts Tagged ‘data’

Delusion Destruction using DATA.

It is ALL about EFFORT!

We all know this, trouble is ‘delusion’ overrides EFFORT. Sadly delusion does not override desire it just frustrates it.


Here is a ‘mathematical?’ equation for you to ponder.


DESIRE+DELUSION=ZERO (followed by a f*** load of b******* excuses)

To beat a world record in anything takes planning. DATA is the key in the planning of a successful world record breaking attempt.

If you want to beat a world record without cheating then you have to take the cheating OUT of the world record attempt.


Obviously this statement is applied here in its purest form as DATA will always be applied to a ‘cheat’ world record.


Let us just imagine that ‘you’ are cheating on your effort thus falling into the ‘deluded’ category of humans with desire.

How can you STOP the cheating? DATA my friends. Use DATA.

We have discussed the mental aspects previously, we understand that it is 99% in the/your head. You ‘have’ to realise that a full on mind set change HAS to happen  if you are to achieve your ‘world record’.

DATA is the first weapon you have to fight personal delusion. There is lots of data to record. However as with anything you need a solid FOUNDATION of ‘basic’ data before you get ‘clever’ with data.

1. Record EVERY workout you do. DAY. DATE. TIME.

note pad

Seriously people I meet SO many humans that tell me they work out EVERY f****** day and eat like an athlete but strangely have not lost a pound, got faster, stronger etc and then when pushed we see that they have trained ONCE in the last month and ate mainly KFC! They booked time to go. They booked LOTS of time to go. (this booking time had a mental placebo/lie effect) They convinced themselves they were doing one thing when in reality they were doing another……..DELUDED.


OK, so if in the first instance you record WHEN you worked out. You would then have an ‘accurate’ record of if you  ‘actually’ did work out.

Initial DATA.


We can get simplistically clever after applying this first CRITICAL bit of DATA.

stop watch

I am sure you are intelligent enough to see where this is going. Data stops us being deluded. Data is the key to supplying ‘higher’ performance. In ALL areas data is key but within fitness performance, weight management, power out put, endurance, condition etc etc etc then DATA is SO important if you are NOT keeping records of what you are doing. Then I can guarantee that your ‘fitness/health’ desire will remain just that, a desire. You will convince yourself you are working hard and I will call you DELUDED.

Apply DATA. Destroy your DELUSION.
